Unive Verzekeringen | 24 pers | The Game bedrijfsuitje Breda | 6 okt 2006

the information beforehand was perfect. the disadvantage was that I had to enjoy all the fun that went before on my own. faxes, text messages and e-mails sent to the participants who did not know about anything caused great hilarity. the trip was great fun and the organization could improvise well. this was necessary because the participants arrived too late and everything was in danger of falling into the water. we had a great time and the surprise was as promised in the brochure and on the internet. our company outing was one of a kind. the reactions of all participants were so positive. they had never experienced such a fun company outing. this is highly recommended! great that everything was so well organized. I’m not going to reveal anything about the day itself, you just have to experience it, otherwise the fun is gone.

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