Can anyone join in?
Everyone can participate , from young to old, very fit to not fit , able-bodied or disabled . In The Game , people can take a break in between ( as a group , where they can make bonus missions ) . So can anyone come earlier to the final location . In Social Chaos is very simple. Someone can simply act as a department or you can go a few times along to butene .
How far is the walk?
In The Game about 2 to 3 kilometers. In Social Chaos are excursions from 0 to 1 kilometer .
Depends on season ?
Both concepts are played throughout the year . Social Chaos has the advantage that the teams start inside, while some team members make small trips outside for brief encounters . These team members keep coming back inside . These distances are shortened by bad weather . In The Game , the teams run a route through the city , with some commands are covered. The teams can always take refuge in between (coffee ) and make bonus commissions . Our experience is that it never rains all day . In addition, it runs under an umbrella quite fine .
Group size insecure?
The final group is difficult to determine . Our agreements , we also rely on a minimum number of participants , so underestimated you there always remains above . One week before the final number should be given.
Even for very small groups appropriate?
Our prices start at groups up to 20 people , but our concepts are also suitable for groups of 5 people . The number of participants is very small then we will try to send you , depending on performance date and location an appropriate offer.
Where can be played ?
The Game in medium to large cities ( Delft to Maastricht , from Gent to Groningen ) . Social Chaos anywhere with any crowds ( Denekamp to Wijk aan Zee , from Amsterdam to Rotterdam Zoo ) .
English ?
Both concepts can be played in the English language and in the Dutch language. Including the awards / anecdotes .
Will you arrange everything : location, restaurant , hotel , transportation ?
We focus on what we do best : our team builders ! For things like venues, restaurants and hotels , we give you suggestions . We have a list that we already enclose a quotation standard . If required we make the 1st contact and place an option (s ) , so timing and design space has already been discussed . We ask then the final arrangements ( type of drinks , snacks , diets etc. ) and the financial settlement to settle themselves. For transportation , please refer to transport that can be found on the internet .
Abroad ?
Certainly. The game we play regularly in Brussels , Antwerp , Ghent and Bruges . Paris and Cologne have also been cited decor . Other cities abroad on request . Social Chaos is playing . In more places We will send you a custom quote for overseas events.
Can I join myself as an organizer ?
Definitely do . Choose to ensure that the group present at the starting location is timely . After the start of the activity, we take the entire guidance of hands and give it back again until after the ceremony . You will also be given much less join the event when moving around ” loose” .
How much work is the preparation ?
We need some information from the participants , but this is certainly worth the fun. Your colleagues reveive a very personal approach.
Is a presentation / appointment necessary?
We can come along with you for a free presentation . In one hour we again give a clear picture of our concepts supports photo and film material. It is not necessary . In approximately 40 % of our bookings , the mere contact by phone or email .
How far in advance to book?
We can already within a few days to organize an event for you . This only depends on our availability at the desired date . The time between bookings and events vary from 1 week to 1.5 years .